Innovative projects, testimonials and previews
Our dedicated community—a driving force behind one of the largest teaching hospitals in North America—is taking action. Check out the faces of our community, our initiatives and how our movement is transforming care at the CHUM and across Quebec, every day.

Philanthropy to stop neurodegeneration in its tracks

Jessica Pathy and Mark Pathy are giving $1 million to go beyond what’s possible

5 innovative ways of acting faster than disease

CDPQ supports two of the major campaign’s flagship programs

A $1 million donation to improve access to care for Indigenous peoples

Annual Report 2023-2024

Marc Tremblay: A CHUM Foundation ally for the past 10 years

Unlocking the mysteries of the brain with AI

Leveraging robotics to act faster than disease

Marie-Line Beauchamp appointed Chair of the CHUM Foundation Board of Directors